Reports / February 2022


One of my main aims this month has been to reduce the issue and pull request backlog across our projects. A lot of this ends up being able making sure that the projects are clearly scoped, and declining to accept feature work on projects.

I’d like to see all of our projects in a position where we’ve only one or two pages worth of information on GitHub’s issues or pull requests.

I’ve written in the past about my thoughts on sustainable open source management, and the importance of keeping projects tightly scoped.

Here’s how the triage work has gone this month. The numbers here are the total number of open issues and pull requests for each project at the start and end of the month:

Examples of a couple of other projects that I think are managing their issues in ways I’d like us to aspire to:

Next month’s report will again include the triage figures for these four projects. Clearly REST framework is going to need some seriously dedicated time in order to get into shape - hopefully that’ll be easier to do once the other projects are all feeling sufficiently tightly managed.

API Stability

Another important goal at the moment is reaching a 1.0 version for httpx.

I’ve been working a bit this month on a couple of changes related to this: