Reports / January 2017

Current work

The upcoming 3.6 release is nearing completion. The headline features of live API documentation and a JavaScript client are planned to both be ready to release around the end of February. You can follow the progress on the API documentation against pull request #4755. (And yes, it’s looking really nice.)

Community & Operations Manager

Anna’s main focus for January has been driving our fundraising efforts forward so we can continue to grow Django REST framework as an open source project and make it financially sustainable in the long run. She worked on sourcing and contacting possible new sponsors, as well as welcoming new sponsors. Anna also took on communication with current sponsors, answering questions, assisting our sponsors, and gathering feedback.

Anna and Tom started creating a roadmap for the future of Django REST framework in terms of continuing to grow a business that supports REST framework, financial sustainability, improving the website, introducing new perks for our sponsors, etc. We look forward to sharing those things with you as we continue to work on them in the upcoming months.

Finally, Anna has been collating more third party Django REST framework resources (talks, tutorials, blog posts, etc.) and working on improving how we present these in our documentation.

Issues & pull requests

The number of total issues and pull requests against the project has been kept stable this month, at 160 open issues.

What’s Next?

Following the 3.6 release we’ll plan to focus primarily on triage for a short time, in order to start bringing the issue count back down again.

After that work will start on the 3.7 release, with better support for building realtime APIs using REST framework and Django Channels.


We’re now 100% funded for a single full-time position on the project. Our next aim is to be able to secure enough sponsorship to sustain a second role, such as being able to keep our community & operations manager role funded long-term. Right now we’re about 20% towards that goal.

As ever, thanks to all our sponsors, contributors, and users for your ongoing support.

— Tom Christie, 9th February, 2017.