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Let's start by defining some schemas.

import typesystem

artist_schema = typesystem.Schema(
        "name": typesystem.String(max_length=100)

definitions = typesystem.Definitions()
definitions["Artist"] = artist_schema

album_schema = typesystem.Schema(
        "title": typesystem.String(max_length=100),
        "release_date": typesystem.Date(),
        "artist": typesystem.Reference("Artist", definitions=definitions)

We've got some incoming user data that we'd like to validate against our schema.

data = {
    'title': 'Double Negative',
    'release_date': '2018-09-14',
    'artist': {'name': 'Low'}

We can validate the data against a Schema by using .validate(data).

album = album_schema.validate(data)

If validation succeeds, this will return an dict.

If validation fails, a ValidationError will be raised.

Alternatively we can use .validate_or_error(data), which will return a two-tuple of (value, error). Either one of value or error will be None.

album, error = album_schema.validate_or_error(data)
if error:

Working with validation errors

The ValidationError class presents a dict-like interface:

invalid_data = {
    'title': 'Double Negative',
    'release_date': '2018.09.14',
    'artist': {'name': 'x' * 1000}
album, error = album_schema.validate_or_error(invalid_data)

# {'release_date': 'Must be a valid date format.', 'artist': {'name': 'Must have no more than 100 characters.'}}
# ['release_date', 'artist']

If you want more precise information about exactly what error messages exist, you can access each individual message with error.messages():

album, error = album_schema.validate_or_error(invalid_data)

for message in error.messages():
    print(f'{message.index!r}, {message.code!r}, {message.text!r})')
# ['release_date'], 'format', 'Must be a valid date format.'
# ['artist', 'name'], 'max_length', 'Must have no more than 100 characters.'

Working with schema instances

Python dictionaries are returned by calls to .validate().

data = {
    'title': 'Double Negative',
    'release_date': '2018-09-14',
    'artist': {'name': 'Low'}
album = album_schema.validate(data)

# {'title': 'Double Negative', 'release_date': '2018-09-14', 'artist': {'name': 'Low'}}

You can also serialize data using the schema instance:

artist = artist_schema.serialize({'name': 'Low'})
album = album_schema.serialize({'title': 'Double Negative', 'artist': artist})

If serialize directly, validation is not done and data returned may be sparsely populated. Any unused attributes without a default will not be returned.

artist = artist_schema.serialize({'name': 'Low'})
album = album_schema.serialize({'title': 'Double Negative', 'artist': artist})

# {'title': 'Double Negative', 'artist': {'name': 'Low'}} [sparse]

# KetError: 'release_date'

Sparsely serialized data can be useful for cases of loading data from database, when you do not need to retrieve all the fields, or for cases of loading nested data where no database join has been made, and only the primary key of the relationship is known.

Using strict validation

By default, additional properties in the incoming user data is ignored.

data = {
    'title': 'Double Negative',
    'release_date': '2018-09-14',
    'artist': {'name': 'Low'},
    'num_tracks': 11

After validating against the schema, the num_tracks property is not present in the returned data.

album = album_schema.validate(data)
# KeyError: 'num_tracks'